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Bhuwan Pandey
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Bhuwan recently joined the team at after earning his bachelor's degree in civil engineering, bringing a unique background compared to traditional automotive experts.

With in-depth training on materials science, construction methodology, and environmental impact analysis, Bhuwan has cultivated key infrastructure insights that translate to assessing real-world tire performance for everyday drivers.

His fresh perspective connects roadway attributes like surface quality, texture and degradation to key tire metrics the average motorist experiences behind the wheel - namely traction, ride comfort, noise levels, and wear life longevity.

Rather than another gearhead from the racing realm, Bhuwan leverages his civil engineering expertise focused on roads themselves to evaluate how tires interact with varied pavement conditions over time. Fundamentals like asphalt composition, concrete grittiness, deterioration rate, and groove depth all influence wet/dry handling, rolling resistance, impact absorption and tire durability in measurable ways.

This grants Bhuwan an interesting vantage point for decoding technical marketing claims into plain language guidance anyone can understand when choosing new tires.

By combining academic knowledge of pavement engineering with aggregating hands-on testing data, Bhuwan is able to translate dense industry jargon and specifications into straightforward recommendations on selecting the ideal tire model based on individual driving needs.

His role at DrivingDeep focuses on connecting roadway attributes to real-world performance drivers care about, rating specific tires on metrics like responsiveness, comfort, treadlife warranties and total value.

You can know more about him on LinkedIn.
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